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+11 votes
I'm looking for information on the sale price of Playdemic Ltd. and the pre-tax gain from the sale. Can anyone provide details on this?
by (280 points)
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1 Answer

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The sale price of Playdemic Ltd. was $1.4 billion, and the recognized pre-tax gain from the sale was $1.1 billion. This information was reported by the company in their financial statements. The sale of Playdemic Ltd. was a significant transaction for the company, and it resulted in a substantial gain. The details of the sale and the gain were disclosed in the company's annual report. The sale of Playdemic Ltd. allowed the company to generate a significant amount of cash and strengthen its financial position. It also provided an opportunity for the company to focus on its core business and strategic priorities. Overall, the sale of Playdemic Ltd. was a positive development for the company and its shareholders.
by (220 points)